Civilian casualties in Dreumel


World War II caused a lot of casualties. On this page we pay a tribute to all inhabitants of Dreumel that were killed during this war.

    War monument in the Rooijsestraat along the former community hall. Every year, May 4th, inhabitants of Dreumel commemorate the casualties..      

1. H.J.A. Verbruggen

(31 years )

28 - 09  - 1908  † 15 - 08 - 1940

2. Th. Wegman

(28 years)

31 - 01 - 1913  † 12 - 06 - 1941



As a soldier Verbruggen was stationed at the Peelstelling in Limburg during the mobilisation. May 1940 he came sick. He died because of meningitis and ring cramp and was buried at the R.C. Cemetry at Dreumel

Captain Wegman was anchored that day in or near Ruhrort (Germany) He was killed by a  a bombardment which was carried out by allied planes on the German city Duisburg. Wegman died on the spot and  was buried in Ruhrort.

3. W. Jac. van Leur

(19 years)

27 - 07 - 1923  † 15 – 04 – 1943

4. H.J. van den Berg

(20 years)

18 - 01 - 1923  † 04 - 08 - 1943



Van Leur died at Oberndorf (Germany). He was put to work at the Mauser  factories with other people from Dreumel like Jan van Leeuwen en Toon Driessen. He died because of typhus. Because of contagion danger his body could not be transported to Dreumel. Van Leur was buried at a cemetry in Frankfurt.

July 28th 1943 some air fighting was going on in the sky above Dreumel. Van den Berg was on his way home with a weagon full of hay when he was hit by a bullet near de Boezemkade nr.4. Medical attention was rendered by father and son van der Kleij. Curate Boeijen served him the H. Oliesel toe. He was taken by car to the St. andrew Hospital at Tiel where he diedof wounds august 4th 1943. 

5. J. C. S. de Jong

(30 years)

21 - 02 - 1913 †  01 - 12 - 1943

6. G. van Kruijsbergen

(31 years)

22 - 04 - 1912  † 03 - 03 - 1944



De Jong was with his steam carter SS "Theodora" on his way to Germany. Near Weurt the steam carter was attacked by an airplane. He died in ahospital at Nijmegen and was buried in Dreumel.

Van Kruijsbergen was working on the assembly department at metal products factory Daalderop in Tiel. At a given moment he was carried away to Germany to work there in the war industry. He died there as a result of malnutrition. He was reburied august 19th 1950 at the R.C. cemetry in Dreumel.


7. B. Verbruggen

(49 years)

04 - 01 - 1895  † 14 - 07 - 1944

8. P. Biemond

(28 years)

11 - 08 - 1923  †  09 - 10 - 1944


As a revenge because of the death of a collaborator from Dreumel at the Trambaan in Boven-Leeuwen a raid was carried out at night. (13/14 juli 1944) This happenede at Dreumel, Wamel and Leeuwen. Mayor Waals, schoolteacher Vermeulen and B. Verbruggen were taken prisoner. Verbruggen was killed when he tried to escape.

Piet Biemond and his family moved to Appeltern after  Rotterdam was bombed. in 1940. September 1944 he became a member of the Dutch Resistance and was stationed in Dreumel. This night a German patrol crossed the river Waal and  met members of the Resistance. A fight started in which Biemond was killed.



9. N.G. Smulders

(31 years)

  05 - 11 - 1912  † 20 - 10 - 1944

10. A. J. van Welie

(25 years)

16 -  03 - 1918  † 02 - 11 - 1944    


As a member of the Resistance Smulders was on guard that night for the first time. He was killed by an English granate. Together with a severe wounded  collegue he was transported to old men's home at Dreumel. Smulders was buried at the R.C. cemetry at Dreumel.

In the early morning three members of the resistance went on patrol. In the Heerewaardensestraat they were surprised by  a German patrol. Van Welie was killed immediately. He was buried at the R.C. cemetry in Dreumel.


11. A. J. Janssen

(26 years)

 06 - 06 - 1918  †   02 -  11 - 1944 

12. W.F. v. d. Boogaard

(57 years)

09 - 10 - 1887  †  09 - 11 - 1944

In the early morning three members of the resistance went on patrol. In the Heerewaardensestraat they were surprised by  a German patrol. Van Welie was killed immediately. Janssen was taken prisoner by the Germans. It is very uncertain what has happened to him. No sign was ever heard so it is presumed that Janssen was killed by the Germans.

On this rainy day there were once again fierce shootings at the Oude Maasdijk. Van den Boogaard got severly wounded. He was transported by Red Cross car tot Nijmegen, where he died later that day.



13. H. de la Cousine

(38 years)

25 - 11 - 1905     †  09 - 11 - 1944

14. F. W. Burgers

(29 years)

  16 - 11 - 1914  †11 - 11 - 1944

On this rainy day there were once again fierce shootings at Dreumel, especially at the Oude Maasdijk. One of the grenades killed De la Cousine.

In the early morning at about 03.00 hrs there was very fierce shooting at the Oude Maasdijk. The house of Willem Stenssen received a direct hit. His son-in-law, F. Burgers, was killed.



15. M.  M. Salet

(5 years)

07 - 05 - 193 † 14 - 11 - 1944

16. N. Schiltmans

(37 years)

  12 - 12 - 1906  † 21 - 11 - 1944

This day too there was grenade fire on the Oude Maasdijk. Young Matthijs Salet was killed by parts of a grenade.

There was not very much shooting this day. However Hoewel er deze dag niet zoveel Duitse granaten werden afgeschoten op Dreumel, viel er toch een slachtoffer te betreuren. Schiltmans werd op de dijk tussen Wamel en Dreumel getroffen door granaatvuur.



17. G. J. Salet - Kooijmans

(29 years)

  30 - 01 - 1915  † 25 - 11 - 1944

18. P. H. van der Kleij

(27 years)

  24 - 10 - 1917 † 25 - 11 - 1944

This there were heavy shootings at the first part of the Oude Maasdijk. Gertruda Salet - Kooijmans was killed immediately. November 14th she lost her little son Matthijs and now she was a casulaty of German shootings.

At Hamburg (Germany) Piet van der Kleij passed away. He was the son of the doctor of Dreumel, Jacobus van der Kleij. Piet van der Kleij was – as a legally candidate, studying at Utrecht – caught because of refusing to work. He was then transported to Germany to the concentrationcamp Neuengamme. He passed away because of malnutrition and exhaustion..



19. L. J. de Vree

(32 years)

13 - 10 - 1912  † 14 - 12 - 1944

20. G. H. J. Merkx

(73 years)

11 - 07 - 1871  † 25 - 01 - 1945

That day at appr. 16.30 hours there were fierce shootings at the centre of the village. the R.C. church and  the parish house on the opposite site of the street were seriously damaged. De Vree, living at the Wilhelminastraat, was killed immediately. His sister in law, Jo van  Deursen, spous of Harrie de Vree, got seriously wounded and was transported to the hospital in Nijmegen..

A grenade hit a tree in the front of the house of Gerrit Merkx at the Molenstraat. Merkx, who was inside the house, got killed immediately. His wife and son Gijs and a driver who was visiting them, received severe wounds and were taken to the hospital in Nijmegen.



21. G. Th. Bleij

(8 years)

03 - 02 - 1936  † 31 - 01 - 1945

22. B. Udo

(31 years)

18 - 01 - 1914  † 10 - 02 - 1945

Once again German artillery was firing at Dreumel.  Gerard, the son of fisherman Anton Bleij, was killed by a machine gun ball and killed immediately.

At 07.00 p.m. there were fierce shootings at the Oude Maasdijk. Berdina Udo hit by a grenade.


23. W. Joh. van Leur

(9 years)

11 - 06 - 1935  † 12 - 02 - 1945

24. M. A. van Deursen

(20 years)

04 - 12 - 1924  † 06 - 03 - 1945

Dreumel received a lot of grenades this day. Wimke van Leur found one near the nouse of doctor van der Kleij. He took it home and tried to to dismantle it. Hij nam de granaat mee naar huis en probeerde hem te demonteren. It exploded and wimke died immediately.

Mari van Deursen was attached as interpreter to the staff of  7th Compagny Stoottroepen and stationed at that time in Beneden-Leeuwen. Van Deursen was hit by a machine gun ball and died at the hospital in Nijmegen. He was buried under very large interest and with military honour of the Stoottroepen in Dreumel.


25. L. P. den Bieman

(23 years)

16 - 10 - 1921  †  24 - 03 - 1945

26. C. A. van Beers

(22 years)

26 - 08 - 1922  †  27 - 05 - 1945

In Bφhlen (Germany) Leo den Bieman passed away. He refused to work in Germany and succesfully succeeded in hiding. After being caugt by the so called "Ommense Police" he was taken through Tiel to Amersfoort. From there he was transported to Bφlen near Leipzig. After another flight attempt he was caught once again and passed away in the end. Den Bieman was reburied november 9th, 1949 herbegraven at the R.C. cemetry in Dreumel.

Cor van Beers was a member of the Dutch Interior Forces. On guard at Rossum van Beers got killed when he hit a mine.





At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them



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