Piet Lagarde

We start this story with Piet Lagarde senior and his second wife Johanna (Hanneke) van Lent. This family lived for a while at the Rooijsestraat, Vluchtheuvelstraat and the Dorpstraat.

Piet and Hanneke became ten children. (He already had two children from his first marriage)

Piet Lagarde junior (óDreumel 14-11-22), the seventh child of this family.

October 12, 1949 he married Margaretha Haver from Leeuwen(óWormerveer 30-06-1923).

They settled at the Vluchtheuvelstraat and moved to Bato’s Erf number 2  in 1955, where Piet took over the farm of his parents.

In 1950 Peter is born, later on followed by  Theo (1952) and Hubert (1957)


L-R: Hubert and Peter at Bato’s Erf

In 1960 Piet and his family decided to emigrate.
The family gave them a send off, when they embarked the ss ‘Willem Ruijs’ in Rotterdam to leave for “down under”.

  a  photo of the family on the ss."Willem Ruijs" in Rotterdam A last good-bye to the family on the quay

After a long voyage they arrived in the port of Sydney (Australia).

The document of emigration mentions that Piet is a  man-servant of a farm.

In 1962 their youngest daughter Margareth is born.



ss. "Willem Ruijs"


In Australia he was milkman for many years. Later on he had an own business in milk.

Piet died in 1990 at an age of 67 years in Sydney (31-03-1990). His wife Gré is still living in Australia (Kiama)


L-R: Theo, Piet, Peter, Margareth, Gré and Hubert


Once, in 1976, Piet and his wife visited the Netherlands together. His wife Gré has been here more frequently, last in 2002. Also the children Peter, Hubert and Margareth visited Dreumel. In 2004 a grand-daughter of Piet paid a visit to Dreumel.


  L-R: Nathalie and Dean in front of the former house of Piet and Gré